Thursday, November 8, 2007

Literary Analysis (Chapter 1)

A. Paul does not witness much hardship in this chapter. He mostly talks of his friends and what they are good at. The only hardship he mentions frquently is finding food.

B. Journal Entry-

Today we were very hungry. Thank god that Katczinsky can always find food, or we would all starve. The only good news is that we are not on the
front. We will be returning soon. Looking back on my days before the war I wish Kantorek hadnt convinced us to enlist, but it is to late.

C. Vocab.

Confounded(Remarque, 11)- 1. bewildered; confused; perplexed.
Ostracized(Remarque, 11)- 1. To exclude, by general consent, from society, friendship, conversation, privelages, etc.

D. Polical Cartoon- The temptation for a country to enter the war was captivated from greed and personal gain. This cartoon is explaining the Zimmerman note. The Zimmerman note was when Germny tried to convince Mexico to attack the U.S and they would get back their land that was taken by the U.S. This cartoon also shows that they were doing it behind the United States back.

E. I learned that it is very important to have friends in a war.

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