Monday, November 12, 2007

Literary Analysis(Chapter 5)

A. Paul describes how horrid the front is. Tjaden had lices, so he scraped them into a tin, and burned them alive. Later on Himmelstoss arrives at the front as punishment for torturing his men at bootcamp. Himmelstoss tries to talk to Tjaden, but Tjaden insults him and then runs off to hide. Tjaden and Kropp are tried for insubordination, but get off with light punishments. Paul and Kat go off and kill the geese for a feast.

B. Today I realize truly how horrid the front is. I watched tjaden scrape lice off with his knife. More importantly we saw Himmelstoss today, we all ignored him. Tjaden insulted him, and was tried with insubordination, but gets off, thankfully. the best thing that happened was the feast of goose we had, food is so scarce in the army, especially good food.

C. Vocab.
1. Louse(Remarque, 75)- any small, wingless insect of the order Anoplura, parasitic on humans and other mammals and having mouthparts adapted for sucking
2. Peat(Remarque, 78)- a highly organic material found in marshy or damp regions, composed of partially decayed vegetable matter: it is cut and dried for use as fuel.

D. Political Cartoon

The americans felt their rights to the sea, american rights, honor, and international law. So the Americans were furious with the Kaiser for allowing the lusitania to be sunk.

E. I learned how horrible the conditions were in WWI.

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